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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: hamptonw

Member#: 7315
Registered: 22-01-2008
Diary Entries: 61

2nd April 2009
Windsurfing: Minster
Wind Direction: ENE
Wind Stength: F4
Surf / Sea State: Small chop
Air Temperature: 14
Sea Temperature: 8
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Had a sneaky afternoon sail at Minster yesterday - sunshine and a nice F4. I was the only one there for the most part until a Belgian guy turned up towards the end. It was a little marginal for the Rocket 105, so I opted for a longboard session. It was great fun, but hard work muscling it around with the 6.5. When it gets on the plane, it's like being strapped to a runaway train and it really flies - there's no stopping it. I was comfortably outpacing the Belgian guy on his Exocet warp 145 and a 9m lightning, which was really weird!! I think he was getting knocked around a lot by the steep chop and was finding it hard to stay upwind. I on the other hand was finding it hard to bear away and scrub off the ground I kept making upwind!!

All in all, a fun session, but a little erie being out on my own for the first half. Glad I went though! Need to learn the technique of using those beating straps properly. Feels weird to have your front foot at 90 degrees to the board. Looking forward to more longboard action this weekend!
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